cognitive-psychological studies

Cognitive-psychological studies in collaboration with Auxilium Vitae

Many observational and interventional clinical studies are conducted in the cardiorespiratory and neurological area of Auxilium Vitae, and mainly have as their object the analysis of the various aspects of rehabilitation outcomes, the physiology of exercise and the evaluation of techniques or devices, or particular treatment schemes. Some studies are conducted in the context of multicentric trials, sometimes supported by an unconditional contribution from companies producing electro-medical devices.

These studies represent a current research activity, to which the various professional figures of Auxilium Vitae contribute, which produces an important part of presentations at conferences and scientific publications, in addition to collaborations with important Italian and international rehabilitation centers.

Numerous clinical and pathophysiological studies are carried out in the cognitive-psychological field, with excellent results in particular in the evaluation of the patient with eminegligence and aphasia and in the rehabilitation of the comatose patient following a head injury.

Below there is a review of the current or recently completed cognitive-psychological studies, and some of the most recent and significant ISI publications produced.

Cognitive-psychological studies

Title Project Responsible Project Type
Psychological responses to a cardiological rehabilitation path supplemented by systematic psychological monitoring D. Gaci Scaletti
(Auxilium Vitae)
Single Center
Assessment of the psychological Locus of Control in subjects with COPD undergoing Respiratory Rehabilitation F. Moretti
(Auxilium Vitae)
Single Center
No Profit
Comparison of the Oxford Cognitive Screen and Mini Mental State Examination in the cognitive assessment of individuals with stroke M. Caputo
(Auxilium Vitae)
Promotore: Italian OCS Group
Multi center
No Profit
FMRI study of progression from vegetative state to state of minimal consciousness F. Tomaiuolo
(Auxilium Vitae)
Single Center
Finanziamento Fondazione CRV

Prognostic value of some neuroradiological indices of brain damage in the results of severe head injury, correlation with the outcome. SIRN 2017 “Dolce” Award”
M.C. Carboncini
F. Tomaiuolo
(Auxilium Vitae)
Multi center
No Profit
Diagnosis, prognosis of the rehabilitation treatment of the patient with Eminegligence or Aphasia F. Tomaiuolo
(Auxilium Vitae)
Single Center
No Profit
  1. Basagni B, Luzzatti C, Navarrete E, Caputo M, Scrocco G, Damora A, Giunchi L, Gemignani P, Caiazzo A, Gambini MG, Avesani R, Mancuso M, Trojano L, De Tanti A. VRT (verbal reasoning test): a new test for assessment of verbal reasoning. Test realization and Italian normative data from a multicentric study. Neurol Sci. 2017 Apr;38(4):643-650. doi: 10.1007/s10072-017-2817-9. Epub 2017 Jan 17.
  2. Mancuso M, Demeyere N, Abbruzzese L,Damora A, Varalta V, Pirrotta F, Antonucci G, Matano A, Caputo M, Caruso MG, PontiggiaGT, Coccia M, Cianciarelli I, Zoccolotti P, and the Italian OCS Group* A comparison of the Oxford Cognitive Screen and Mini Mental State Examination in the cognitive assessment of patients with stroke. European Journal of Neurology, accepted.
  3. Tomaiuolo F, Cecchetti L, Owen AM, Logi F, Malasoma F, Cozza S, Pietrini P, Ricciardi E. Progression from vegetative to minimally conscious state is associated with changes in brain neural response to passive tasks: A longitudinal single-case fMRI study. J Int Neuropsychol Soc. 2016 Jul;22(6):620-30. doi: 10.1017/S1355617716000485.
  4. Thiebaut de Schotten M, Tomaiuolo F, Aiello M, Merola S, Silvetti M, Lecce F, Bartolomeo P, Doricchi F. Damage to white matter pathways in subacute and chronic spatial neglect: a group study and 2 single-case studies with complete virtual “in vivo” tractography dissection. Cereb Cortex. 2014 Mar;24(3):691-706. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhs351. Epub 2012 Nov 15. PubMed PMID: 23162045.
  5. Tomaiuolo F, Bivona U, Lerch JP, Di Paola M, Carlesimo GA, Ciurli P, Matteis M, Cecchetti L, Forcina A, Silvestro D, Azicnuda E, Sabatini U, Di Giacomo D, Caltagirone C, Petrides M, Formisano R. Memory and anatomical change in severe non missile traumatic brain injury: ‚1 vs. 8 years follow-up. Brain Res Bull. 2012 Mar 10;87(4-5):373-82. doi: 10.1016/j.brainresbull.2012.01.008. Epub 2012 Jan 24. PubMed PMID: 22289841.
  6. Mancuso M, Capitani D, Ferroni L, Caputo M, Bartalini B, Abbruzzese L, Pirrotta F, Rossi G, Pacini M, Spaccavento S, Asnicar M, Farinello C, Gemignani P, Cantagallo A. Efficacy of Prisms in Neglect Treatment: A Randomized Single Blind Study Int J Phys Med Rehabil 2016, 4:4 DOI:10.4172/2329-9096.1000355
  7. Cecchetti L, Tomaiuolo F, Ricciardi E. Luci e ombre delle neuroimmagini nella valutazione dei disordini di coscienza. In ‘Il teatro della coscienza: autori, attori, spettatori’, B. Rossi, M. C. Carboncini (Eds.) – Felici Edizioni, Pisa, 2015 – ISBN: 978-88-6940-008-7
  8. Mancuso M, Rosadoni S, Capitani D, Bickerton WL, Humphreys GW, De Tanti A, Zampolini M, Galardi G, Caputo M, De Pellegrin S, Angelini A, Bartalini B, Bartolo M, Carboncini MC, Gemignani P, Spaccavento S, Cantagallo A, Zoccolotti P, Antonucci G.Italian standardization of the Apples Cancellation Test. Neurol Sci. 2015 Jul;36(7):1233-40. doi: 10.1007/s10072-015-2088-2. Epub 2015 Jan 25.
  9. Bonifazi S, Tomaiuolo F, Altoè G, Ceravolo MG, Provinciali L, Marangolo P. Action observation as a useful approach for enhancing recovery of verb production: new evidence from aphasia. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2013 Aug;49(4):473-81. Epub 2013 Mar 13.
  10. Logi F, Pasqualetti P, Tomaiuolo F. Predict recovery of consciousness in post-acute severe brain injury: the role of EEG reactivity. Brain Inj. 2011;25(10):972-9. doi: 10.3109/02699052.2011.589795. Epub 2011 Jul 12. PubMed PMID: 21745174.
  11. Marangolo P, Marinelli CV, Bonifazi S, Fiori V, Ceravolo MG, Provinciali L, Tomaiuolo F. Electrical stimulation over the left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) determines long-term effects in the recovery of speech apraxia in three chronic aphasics. Behav Brain Res. 2011 Dec 1;225(2):498-504. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2011.08.008. Epub 2011 Aug 12. PubMed PMID: 21856336.
  12. Tomaiuolo F, Voci L, Bresci M, Cozza S, Posteraro F, Oliva M, Doricchi F. Selective visual neglect in right brain damaged patients with splenial interhemispheric disconnection. Exp Brain Res. 2010 Oct;206(2):209-17. doi: 10.1007/s00221-010-2230-6. Epub 2010 Apr 6. PubMed PMID: 20369232.